it has been ages since i last wrote in this blog :( sebab lama sangat tak menulis so blurr kejap nak share ape.heee.anyway..banyak perkara yang saya alami tahun ini...alhamdulillah, syukur..despite all the things..Allah helps me went through it..untuk menutup tirai 2012, nak mencoret sikit harapan sy utk tahun baru nih..actually saya sgt berdebar utk memulakan tahun baru..
for obvious reason...this 2013 going to be one of the biggest year in my life... my final year as medical student actually!! sape sangkaaaa....waktu saya 1st year dulu, tahun 2008..saya rasa lamaaa sgt nak abes study medic ni..tapi i'm here now!!! tq Allah
in sha Allah..this april and may i will have my final exam before entitle to be a doctor...less than 5 months from today. cuakkk ok! saya berdoa dan mengharap sangat saya dan semua kawan2 akan lulus dgn cemerlang dan dapat pulang berkhidmat soon... moga2 kami diberi kekuatan utk belajarrr dgn gigih. doakan kitorg be continueeee :)
p/s: selamat tahun baru 2013. saya doakan kita semua sentiasa dilindungi, diberkati dan dirahmati Allah selalu. mari berusaha menjadi yg lebih baik. sentiasa positif dan sentiasa have winning mentality!!! berusaha people :)
" Di antara keberhasilan pada akhir perjuangan adalah berserah diri kepada Allah sejak permulaan " (Ibnu Ata'illah)
Monday, December 31, 2012
Monday, May 14, 2012
Final year? insyaAllah :)
assalamualaikum :)
alhamdulillah....Allah bagi peluang kepada saya untuk menulis lagi di blog ini. teringat beberapa minggu lepas saya dan kawan2 still struggling for our 4th year exam...saye rasa saya tido dlm 4-5 jam je sehari sbb banyak sgt subjek kene cover kan...last wednesday, after finish my ENT oral exam maka berakhirlah semester yg sangat mencabar mental dan fizikal ini..huhu. takbirr!!
hari ni, even it is not official yet but most of us know our result already. those who received no call from medical office means they passed all the papers..and alhamdulillah, praise to Allah..i do passed my papers. jzkk to my abah n umie, my frens, adik-adik n semua yg mendoakan kami disini.
passing 4th year means i left with another one year to get my degree in medicine. Allahuakbar! how times fly so fast that i still couldnt believe that i am this near to become a doctor. besar tanggungjawab tuh n honestly..jantung saya berdebar-deabr bila memikirkan tanggingjawab yg bakal digalas bila mula bekerja nanti. but before that..being a final year student is one thing that is very challenging (according to my seniors). i pray to Allah for strength to stay in this journey...hopefully, with Allah's will, me n all my batchmates will graduate together in June 2013. make a dua for all of us ok :)
seronok sgt tgk seniors yang baru sahaja abes final exam n berjaya!! this year in galway..all final year malaysians pass the exam..congratulations ladss!! u guys deserved it!
insyaAllah our time will be next yearr!! more hard works i guess :)) ..but totally worth it..yeahh! telling my self to keep on fighting no matter how hard it is because i have Allah with me :)
insyaAllah..this is going to be my present to my beloved abah n umie di kelantan...missing them very much. cant wait to go home this 16th june..yayyyy!! finally > <
oklah..semoga Allah merahmati sahabat-sahabat semua. teruskan berdoa sebab doa adalah senjata orang muslim. dont forget to pray for our muslim brothers and sisters in palestine, syria, iraq n even in our country, Malaysia!! JATUHKAN KEZALIMAN DAN PENINDASAN!!
p/s: i actually havent really finish my to do 'basic surgical skills' module for another 3 weeks ahead..and after that nephrology elective for two weeks here in galway..thenn--> im done for this semester :)
alhamdulillah....Allah bagi peluang kepada saya untuk menulis lagi di blog ini. teringat beberapa minggu lepas saya dan kawan2 still struggling for our 4th year exam...saye rasa saya tido dlm 4-5 jam je sehari sbb banyak sgt subjek kene cover kan...last wednesday, after finish my ENT oral exam maka berakhirlah semester yg sangat mencabar mental dan fizikal ini..huhu. takbirr!!
hari ni, even it is not official yet but most of us know our result already. those who received no call from medical office means they passed all the papers..and alhamdulillah, praise to Allah..i do passed my papers. jzkk to my abah n umie, my frens, adik-adik n semua yg mendoakan kami disini.
passing 4th year means i left with another one year to get my degree in medicine. Allahuakbar! how times fly so fast that i still couldnt believe that i am this near to become a doctor. besar tanggungjawab tuh n honestly..jantung saya berdebar-deabr bila memikirkan tanggingjawab yg bakal digalas bila mula bekerja nanti. but before that..being a final year student is one thing that is very challenging (according to my seniors). i pray to Allah for strength to stay in this journey...hopefully, with Allah's will, me n all my batchmates will graduate together in June 2013. make a dua for all of us ok :)
seronok sgt tgk seniors yang baru sahaja abes final exam n berjaya!! this year in galway..all final year malaysians pass the exam..congratulations ladss!! u guys deserved it!
insyaAllah our time will be next yearr!! more hard works i guess :)) ..but totally worth it..yeahh! telling my self to keep on fighting no matter how hard it is because i have Allah with me :)
insyaAllah..this is going to be my present to my beloved abah n umie di kelantan...missing them very much. cant wait to go home this 16th june..yayyyy!! finally > <
oklah..semoga Allah merahmati sahabat-sahabat semua. teruskan berdoa sebab doa adalah senjata orang muslim. dont forget to pray for our muslim brothers and sisters in palestine, syria, iraq n even in our country, Malaysia!! JATUHKAN KEZALIMAN DAN PENINDASAN!!
p/s: i actually havent really finish my to do 'basic surgical skills' module for another 3 weeks ahead..and after that nephrology elective for two weeks here in galway..thenn--> im done for this semester :)
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sempat 'melarikan diri' ke Aran of the most beautiful place in galway! hati sangat tenang melihat keindahan ciptaan Allah.. |
Saturday, April 28, 2012
4th year medic
assalamualaikum kawan-kawan :)
lama dah saya tak menconteng di blog saya nih...sgt lama, the last one was september 2011. that was when i just entered 4th med.
today, alhamdulillah. dah abess all the big exam.syukur sgt2 (tapi sgt bertawakkal kepada Allah untuk result yg masih tak tahu nasibnyer ). i survived 8 months doing all the 4th year-buzy rotation- paediatric, OnG, psychiatric, GP...ENT.
8 bulan melalui all the rotations...what i can say is - very tiring!yess. nak tulis blog pun xde masa... banyak sgt medical stuff and practical yg we as a medical student kene tahu...sampai ade satu masa tu saya dah tak tahu mcm mana nak buat, saya hanya mampu doa je semoga Allah bg kekuatan kepada saya n kawan2. i am too scared that i cannot make it.
exam this year sgt bnyk and i can feel the pressure was really overwhelming..pressure to pass the exam so that we can make it to final year..and of course---> to be a doctor!
ya Allah, dalam kesibukan ni saya hampir terlupa ape tujuan sebenar saya belajar medic n nak jadi doktor. saya fikir lama. cuba balik nak cari kekuatan to stay in this long journey..alhamdulillah, now i realized back... the most important thing is - we study, we learn, we go to class, we sit for the exam and every other single thing that we do is just for HIM.. we do all of these because of Allah. kita nak syurga Allah. kalau nak jadi doktor pun, bukan yg sekadar ade ijazah tapi mesti ade quality seorang doktor muslim. i'm trying my best to be a good muslim doctor for the sake of Allah. how am i going to do this??
lama dah saya tak menconteng di blog saya nih...sgt lama, the last one was september 2011. that was when i just entered 4th med.
today, alhamdulillah. dah abess all the big exam.syukur sgt2 (tapi sgt bertawakkal kepada Allah untuk result yg masih tak tahu nasibnyer ). i survived 8 months doing all the 4th year-buzy rotation- paediatric, OnG, psychiatric, GP...ENT.
8 bulan melalui all the rotations...what i can say is - very tiring!yess. nak tulis blog pun xde masa... banyak sgt medical stuff and practical yg we as a medical student kene tahu...sampai ade satu masa tu saya dah tak tahu mcm mana nak buat, saya hanya mampu doa je semoga Allah bg kekuatan kepada saya n kawan2. i am too scared that i cannot make it.
exam this year sgt bnyk and i can feel the pressure was really overwhelming..pressure to pass the exam so that we can make it to final year..and of course---> to be a doctor!
ya Allah, dalam kesibukan ni saya hampir terlupa ape tujuan sebenar saya belajar medic n nak jadi doktor. saya fikir lama. cuba balik nak cari kekuatan to stay in this long journey..alhamdulillah, now i realized back... the most important thing is - we study, we learn, we go to class, we sit for the exam and every other single thing that we do is just for HIM.. we do all of these because of Allah. kita nak syurga Allah. kalau nak jadi doktor pun, bukan yg sekadar ade ijazah tapi mesti ade quality seorang doktor muslim. i'm trying my best to be a good muslim doctor for the sake of Allah. how am i going to do this??
"Hook Up with Allah & Allah will Hook you Up" ... Allah sebaik-baik tempat kita bergantung :)
p/s: i pray to Allah so that me and my frens pass our 4th year..please do pray for us here as well. will ya? :))
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