Saturday, December 18, 2010

it is all because of His blessing...

i wake up this morning and just realize how thankful i am for every single breath that Allah gives me. since me struggling with my final exam this semester, my only focus was books and medic stuffs for at least the past 3 months. and that's it. ( doubt..there were still few more things actually besides medic!! =P..) i just cant believe i survived this tremendous hardest semester ever so far. it was just too much to do and without Allah's blessing and help, i seriously dont think i can make it till today. in fact, being a 3rd year medical student, i can tell u it is all really because His blessing or rahmat, not actually from my effort though how much i study becoz medic is so unpredictable. i still remember one of my fren did tell me - if u achieved sumthing, it is actually only 1% of your effort, the rest of 99% is come from Allah's blessing and help- and it is soooooo true for me. u need Allah in whatever condition because that is what we called 'fitrah'.

and now, after i finished my last paper yesterday, i was so excited and grateful. we went for 'makan-makan', walking along christmas market and spend our night laughing and chatting bout our winter trip, plan for our next holiday and the list just go on and on. provided, it was a perfect night, to celebrate the so called 'freedom' as exam over, with snowww which is just enough to make u think Allah is the greatest. it was so beautiful and very soothing by just looking at it. i just love snow soo much :).

but, the happiness just end there after i received a heart breaking news from my junior saying that Mas afzal had just passsed away after admitted to the icu. me personally, i didnt knoe him as a person as well. i just met him once last summer at one of the summer camp that i attend. he is 26 year old doctor who suffered from Hodgkin lymphoma ( a type of cancer) since december 2008. by looking at him, u will knoe this man is really strong, fighting and struggling for the disease that he has yet, still able to finished his study and motivate others. i wish i'll be as strong as him. but now, that he had gone, it really make me think how close we are to death. it can be today, tomorrow or anytime. Ya Allah, are we ready to face it when the time is finally come?? let 'muhasabah' our own self. may Allah grant us his blessing and good health to do da'wah and good things in this world. to Mas Afzal, may he rest in peace and be in 'syurga' with all the good men.

for this 2 weeks winter break, i hope i can use my time wisely and do a preparation for the next step as medical student as well as prepare my self to become a good muslimah insyaAllah :). i shud pen off now. till we meet again. happy holiday. take a good care of yourself ok. may Allah protect us always. salam =)

p/s : i just finished my 2 and half year of medic school.tq Allah.. 2 and half year more to go. hopefully everything will go smoothly and i pass my exam. pray for me. *luv n hugssss*


azlina said...

salam kak azie. akak xkenal sy terjumpe blog akak, lps google psl pelajar malaysia di ireland.
actually ada terlintas nak gi nuig. huhu.
mcmane ye environment sana?
dgr cite pelajar malaysia kt sana buat medic je eh?
sori tibe2 tanya mcm ni.

azie mansor said...

w;salam azlina. boleh kak azi tahu awak belajar kat mana sekrang??
tgh wat persediaan ker?

kat ireland ni mostly wat medic jer, kalo uk bnyk sikit course. awak course ape?

k.azi more than happy to help if awak nak tnaya ape2 =)

tq for reading

azlina said...

oh,sy xbuat persediaan ke mana2 tempat oversea pun. mei dpn sy habis diploma uitm..tgh t'carik2 tempat untuk degree. lgpun nak tukar angin..
sy ambik account..*_* ade ke student malaysia kt nuig yg ambik account?

azie mansor said...

ohh, awak account eh. setakat nih xde lagi yg kat sini amek account. degree sume medic

ade post grad yg wat phd statistik sorang, marin sorang. yg lain sume medic

kak azi pun x ade kenal budak acc kat sini. kaloawak nak wat bss kat dublin ade DUBLIN BUSSINESS SCHOOL yg ade jygak budak malaysia. kat uni tu jelah tempat yg budak2 malaysia wat bss, kak azi rasa mesti account pun ade kan

azlina said...

ohh..xde la eh. bkn apa, mcm minat lak tgk suasana kt galway tu. dublin more to bandar kan..hmm2. thanks ek k.azie for the info. ;)

cik izars said...

insyAllah dengan izin Nya..

Norain Ishak said...


Saya pun google jugak pasal medic ireland.hehe.

btw, saya tgh buat final a-level exam dekat kyuem.

and dapat conditional offer IUMC jugak.

doakan saya dapat fly~~

azie mansor said...

salam ukhuwah norain...tq add fb.

apply la galway..more than happy to help u here :)

this year eh fly?

Unknown said...

kak azie,boleh saya tau kak azie dpt scholarship apa ye ke ireland. saya lepasan spm 2012. mara, jpa dah tak tawarkan student diorang ke europe lg dah

azie mansor said...

waalaikumusalam khatrine..

kak azi tajaan mara..

x tahu pulak mara dan jpa dah tak taja student ke europe..

mara n jpa akan hantar student ke mana then?

kalo awak nak tnya apa2 k.azi more than happy to help..boleh add fb kak azi eh :)

Unknown said...

tak silap saya, india dgn indonesia je kut, x sure. thanks kak azie. may i have your email address sbb saya takde fb, twitter ada lah. kalau tak keberatan :)

azie mansor said...


my email

Fairuz said...

Salam, kak azie. saya sngat berminat nak ambil medic terutamanya dekat luar negara. saya ni lepasan SPM 2012. boleh saya tau macam mana perjalanan/prosedur kak azie belajar kat NUIG.. lepasan SPM boleh apply ke? terima kasih, kak

azie mansor said...

salam fairuz, sorry for taking ages to reply your msg.. actually kalo nak dtg ireland, u have to apply tru mara or jpa or any other organisation yg taja student ke ireland unless pg dgn duit sendiri...tapi sume kene masuk foundation program dulu macam a-level or International baccalaureate. so kire, after spm kene buat 2 yeras preparation n if lepas foundation/diploma course n lepas sume interview n prerequisite test then br dpt offer ke ireland/uk..

hope membantu, let me know if u have anymore to ask..happy to help..tapi kak azi quite bz at the moment since i hv 2 weeks left before my final exam.. doakan yer :) all the best w ur application!!!